When it rains, it pours!
While this statement couldn’t be truer for Northeastern Ohioans this spring, there is something that may help dampen the effects. For many homeowners the fear of torrential rain can also mean torrential flooding. There are different ways rain can cause flooding in a home and all are serious and burdensome. However, one of the most popular ways that a home can receive flooding or water – CAN BE PREVENTED!
Plumbing 911 would like to introduce you to the “Back Water Valve.” The back water valve is an amazing piece of technology that when installed, can help prevent main sewer lines from backing up into homes or businesses. To paint a picture as to how it works, imagine the rain water coming in either incredibly fast or for a long extended period of time. The water has to go somewhere and often is fed through storm sewers, which then feed into the city’s main sewer system. When a city’s main sewer is inundated and filled to capacity, the water will work its way up and through other points as it has nowhere to go but “back up.” Unfortunately, that “back up” is often through your main drain cleanout located on your property typically in a basement or utility room.
Even more scary, since this is the city’s main sewer that backs up, it means that you may have the city’s sanitary waste dumping back into your home, as your basement or home dwelling becomes a holding tank for other’s sewage. As unpleasant as this sounds, it is true and unfortunately many homeowners have already experienced these issues this year. When a back up to this degree occurs, the stress of the loss is comparable to your home being caught on fire. It is also a health concern, as it is rated as the highest-class flood loss (category 3) as it contains unsanitary water and waste. While, our company has a sister division, Flooding 911, to help clean, restore and sanitize a situation such as this, we would like to help prevent this from ever occurring and feel it important to share this solution with you.
Please call us today if you are interested in learning more about this product. We would be happy to setup a no-obligation consultation for our certified plumber to meet and inspect your property for this solution.
If you know someone that recently had a water or flood loss, please let them know about us as we would love to help. Don’t forget, Plumbing 911, Inc. is a fully licensed, insured and bonded to complete this solution, according to city and state codes and regulations. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and help provide this solution for your home.