How Heavy Rain Can Affect Your Plumbing

With winter coming to an end, spring is right around the corner, which means heavy rain fall. Not only does the rain keep you cooped up indoors, but it can also cause both minor and serious plumbing problems. Learning about the effects of heavy rain, you’ll know what to keep an eye on to eliminate … Continued

What is a Sump Pump?

If you’re home has ever experienced a flood or noticed water build up due to a heavy rainstorm or plumbing damage, you know that a sump pump can mean the difference between a dry basement and expensive water damage repairs. Whether it’s a plumbing issue or heavy rain, when water that enters your home will … Continued

Troubleshooting Tips for Common Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are one of the joys of indoor plumbing and can be nasty to deal with. If you experience a clogged drain in your home or business, here are some troubleshooting tips that may help. As always, Plumbing 911 is, “There When You Need Us.” Many drains can be pesky, but we can help. … Continued

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